NEG - email your MP
NEG - email your MP
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Email MP about how the NEG is bad for renewables.
Email MP about how the NEG is bad for renewables.
Email your MP - NEG
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Support a national plan for a renewable future
As your constituent, I want Australia to be powered by clean and cheap renewable energy. As it stands, the proposed National Energy Guarantee (NEG) appears to only guarantee a dirtier energy future for Australians. Under the NEG, Australia is expected to have less solar and wind than if we had no national plan at all. Experts are warning that the NEG will limit solar and wind to just 18-24% of energy supply by 2030, a range so low that rooftop solar installation will have to be deliberately slowed to stay within those bounds, even if no new large-scale renewable projects are constructed. The NEG will slam the brakes on the transition to renewable energy that we need. As my local MP, I urge you to oppose a NEG that means more dirty energy and less renewables for Australia, and put forward a plan for a sensible and fair transition to renewable energy, like Solar Citizens' Homegrown Power Plan. Over a million Australian households have embraced a renewable energy future by putting solar on the roof and the majority of Australians want it to power our future. I hope you will take action in support of powering Australia with clean and cheap renewable energy with storage.
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