NEG - email your MP
NEG - email your MP
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Email MP about how the NEG is bad for renewables.
Email MP about how the NEG is bad for renewables.
Save the SRES
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Save the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme
As one of the solar voters that lives in your electorate, I'm one of the millions of Australians who has benefited from the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). The scheme lowers the upfront cost of solar and enables people like me to take back control of our power bills and do our bit for the environment. I’m writing to ask you to keep Australia's rooftop revolution powering ahead by saving the solar scheme. The cost of the scheme is small but its impact for people who want to go solar is big and it means that more households will be able to afford to install solar. Will you save solar and reject any legislation that will cut the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme? You can find out how solar ranks in your electorate here: http://solarscorecard.org.au
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